
Get Directions

We are located at 10018 Water Street (Hwy 42) in Ephraim, Wisconsin. Find directions from some of our most common visitor locations below:

Directions from Milwaukee:
Travel north on Hwy. 43 to Green Bay
Take Exit 185 north to Sturgeon Bay
Stay on Hwy. 42 around Sturgeon Bay
Travel north on Hwy. 42 thru to Ephraim
Address: 10018 Water Street (Hwy. 42)

Directions from Chicago:
Take I-94 north Chicago to Milwaukee.
Take I-43 north Milwaukee to Green Bay.
Take 57 north Green Bay to Sturgeon Bay.
Take Exit 185 north to Sturgeon Bay
Stay on Hwy. 42 around Sturgeon Bay
Travel north on Hwy. 42 thru to Ephraim
Address: 10018 Water Street (Hwy. 42)

Directions from Minneapolis:
Take Hwy 29 East to Hwy 41
Take Hwy 41 North to I-43 South.
Take Exit 185 north to Sturgeon Bay
Stay on Hwy. 42 around Sturgeon Bay
Travel north on Hwy. 42 thru to Ephraim
Address: 10018 Water Street (Hwy. 42)

Resort Map

Ephraim Shores Resort map

Our Address